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Testimonial from Peg on Professional Training From Gerry’s Metal Detectors

May 5th, 2015

Cody Holmes

Hi Gerry…I’ve been meaning to thank you for quite some time – ever since
you helped me find my first real nugget with the GP3500 in eastern Oregon a
couple years ago!  But even before that, when I bought the used Gold Bug 2
from you at the local Gold Show and then went to my first training in the
field…. I learned how to use the detector, but more importantly you taught
me where it is best used and what type of ground to look for. You
demonstrated how to localize and recover targets, and made available the
best tools to be successful based upon your many years of detecting
experience. I guess I took it all for granted until this past spring when I
was at the ICMJ Prospecting and Mining Summit field trip at an old hydraulic
mining site. There were dozens of other detectorists working the area, and
it became very apparent to me in a short time that many of them had very
little knowledge of their machines nor had the basics of prospecting with
one.  I had a great time finding numerous small nuggets, and even had the
likes of Chris Ralph and Steve Herschbach watch the gal from Idaho work that
GB2! 🙂

 Peg (Large) peg2 Peg 1 (Large)

What a blast!  And I knew then, how important my initial training
had been.
When I first met you at that Gold Show a few years back, I had no idea what
a wonderful hobby you would expose me to……and now it’s not just a hobby,
it has become a passion to search out those elusive gold nuggets!  And
thanks to the training sessions I’ve had with you, along with a lot of
practice on my part….I’m having some success!  Thanks Gerry.
Sincerely, Peg T.
Included here is some of my finds with their respective detectors….including
that “special” first one on the 3500!

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