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* How To Become a Successful Nugget Hunter by Gerry McMullen

January 18th, 2015

Cody Holmes

Here is a little something that is worth your time to read and think about.

When you make an investment into a metal detector your main goal is SUCCESS!!!! That’s right, you want to earn (find) something with your investment (detector).

I’ll provide you with a method that will speed up your chances of having SUCCESS when you take your detector out. You can be one of the few. You know who they are… the guy who you see at the river fishing all the time and he always catches fish. That’s right, you stand shoulder to shoulder, cast the same size of lure, use the same thickness/color of line, even reel the same speed and he still always seems to be the one who catches the fish. It Doesn’t matter what you do… because he is one of those 10% who catch 90% of the fish. Well in gold hunting, it is even more demanding and I’ll bet it is closer to 5% of the detector users who find 95% of the gold. That means 95% of people who own nugget detectors get to split a measly 5% of the gold finds. I don’t like those odds and I hope you don’t either.


Here is one of the easiest ways to become a “SUCCESSFUL NUGGET HUNTER”. One of the easiest…yet for some reason… the most seldom done.

Are you ready? This is a tough one so get prepared to take some notes and concentrate.

Here is my secret to success.


That’s its, those 5 simple words will make or break most new detectorist.

Lets go into some detail though so you understand more of what point I am trying to get across to you.

Take your investment dollars and find a confident dealer who has the write ups, photos, letters and such credentials to prove himself and purchase from that particular dealer.

You the buyer make the choice of who the right DEALER is that you want to do business with. This SELECT DEALER, who will do his best to make sure you understand your detector above and beyond what any manual, book or video will show. This SELECT DEALER can show you some areas to hunt and will offer you the exact detector accessories for your style of detecting to fit your personal needs.

Why get a bunch of free accessories, when you don’t even know if you’ll need them or not? Why get a free coil, if the area you hunt is not productive for that size coil or its detection pattern? Don’t think a bunch of free accessories is a great deal when in fact it is the detector and the amount of knowledge you learn and training you get that will produce Gold Nugget SUCCESS.

My photos of finds are in 3 of the top 5 manufactures catalogs. My field training has been mentioned in different prospecting/detecting/gold magazines more than most dealers out there. The best part is that these articles were written by my customers and not me; because I let my customers do my advertising for me. They are willing to show the rest of American that they bought a detector from a SELECT DEALER and that person went above and beyond what the average dealer does. That dealer spent the much needed time and effort to work with the customer both on the phone, email, and in the field to get the correct machine and accessories for the customers needs.

Folks, you should try to treat this purchase as an investment and do some homework. You would not normally hand over hundreds of dollars to the 1st broker you find, just because he says he’ll offer free trades. Then why do the same thing with the 1st detector dealer you find, who offers free accessories or a day of training. Do your homework and make sure the dealer you buy from has the credentials that backs up what he offers.

Yes, there are (a very few) other dealers who do offer field training, but you are only getting a day of training. My question to you is… Does that person have the credentials to know what they are talking about? Be up front with them and ask the important questions. How often, how long, who will be doing the training? Do they have photos of customers and their finds to back up how well they train? An exceptional dealer will have the stories, photos, and letters of recommendation showing that dealer does indeed offer a special service.

Call all the dealers you want and get all the info gathered to see who really does offer you more for your money or the “Best Bang for the Buck”.

I’ll go out on a limb and save you some time. There is no other authorized dealer in the United States who will offer you what I can and train as often as I do for you, my customer.

Most dealers can not and will not offer to leave their business for 3 or 4 days monthly to take care of their customers. They can not afford the potential loss of sales, and they do not have the time to do such 3 day Field Training on a regular basis.

Yes, there are a few select dealers (good ones) who offer 1 day of training. Well let’s get serious here and think about it. How much can you really be shown in a day of training? Better yet, how much did you remember? Chances are that you did learn a thing or two, but that was about it. You’ll probably forget more than what you were shown

Now compare the 1 day offer to my “3 full days of actual field training” at the same (proven) sites that I myself hunt for gold.

I won’t go into details about my training or share my secrets. Those are for the customers who want to invest their dollars with me, and in return I invest my time with them “In the field” where it counts.

I’ll just promise you this. At the end of the 3 days, I will ask for your detector, and I’ll try my best to totally mess up every knob, switch and setting. You’ll be able to reset the switches, adjust the knobs, complete the start up procedure on your own, and have the confidence that you know what you are doing. If you fail, then I’ll invest more time with you and offer this. COME AGAIN for 3 DAYS more of FIELD TRAINING and it is absolutely FREE.


Find a dealer who knows his detectors like I do, find a dealer who uses custom settings like I do and can prove to you why those settings are better than what the manual says. Find a dealer who will invest time with you (the customer) as much as I will and as often I as train? I seriously don’t think you’ll be able to do that.

But I am not finished yet.

Find a dealer who will offer you a “FULL ONE YEAR” from time of purchase to get the 3 days of Field Training absolutely FREE. I do this because I realize that not everyone can walk away from their regular job and life at that very moment, so I try to be as flexible as possible but yet want to be serious. I figure that if you can’t find the time to get the 3 days of field training from me (within a year) then you are not that serious of an investor. To be honest, I would rather have serious customers who want to find gold. It is those customers (even though it may be less sales for me) that will become SUCCESSFUL with their investment and show their finds to family, friends, neighbors. It is those customers, who by word of mouth, send more serious customers my way.

For those potential customers, who already know your machines and are just trying to buy the detector at a great price… YES I can work with you. YES, I’ll even get you some FREE accessories, but I’ll also try to get the accessories that you need and not of what I want to get rid of.

Folks, If you have read this information and are still not totally caught on to… how important my field training is and how important it is to buy from only a select few dealers, then please call me 1 (208) 345-8898 and I’ll speak with you directly. I can be reached most times from 8AM to 10PM MST zone 7 days a week. You have gone this far, so why stop now?

I’ll be here ready to speak with you. It will be just me…the same Gerry you get ever time you call.

If you think that my sales pitch is a waste, then seriously take a look on Ebay and how many detectors are on there daily. Most of those are folks who bought because of price alone, saved a few bucks, got a truck full of free accessories, and then failed. They went out a few times, found nothing and gave up. Bottom line, their investment lost money, and so to Ebay it goes. Don’t be one of those typical types when you have the chance to be one of the people in my PHOTOS on my wall, in my scrap book, or who I read about because you just found a 2 pound gold nugget.

Folks, I am for real and have been for quite some time. Are you serious and for real?

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